Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Collag-ical Mystic: Integr8d Soul Presents

Some of Marc Kane's works, including the start of the Mermaid Series

"Avengers" characters featured along with Prince Nicola, from the story next week adapting our novel, TRANZ RUPTURE

Also featured are the "crystal ball" photos (Orb of Agamatto) from "The Spell of the Wolf" on this site, an adaptation/ pastiche of our novel, featuring the Defenders (complete in serial form, starting with

and its prequel, "Calinferno" also complete on this site at

Collage Mystic vision of Prince Nicola, involving the Defenders and Avengers alike, as both story tie to one another, "The Vanishing Wave" (featuring the Fantastic Four) and the adaptation of our novel.

Experiment with light and Prismacolor (for Angie Witty)

Cool temperature "Mermaid" inspired by Heather Leilani Green

Collage, upcoming TRANZ-RUPTURE: avengers

Self Portrait by the Marc Kane

Detail, Viking Battle requested by David Wayne Clark, Jr.

Look for our guest art by professional comics colorist Ian Sokolowsiski, featured on his site "Machine Gun Guitar"!

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