Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A study of the today's artist beside and beyond the past: Art Gallery A

Darby Bliss

Lyne Lyons

and S. Lam Hall

Avante garde artist Popova, "Air Man Space" before she helped initiate Russian Constructivism
Jim Steranko, "Nick Fury" Groundbreaking use of Op Art, 1969

Bernie Wrightson

Lyne Lyons pontillism, from a meadow memory

Debra Disharoon, "Random Girl"

original pencils, Bernie Wrightson, his famous story "Jennifer"

Independent comics, small publishers, at the very dawn of the advent of the comic book store as a place you could find anywhere you can find 100,000 Americans within a 30 mile drive...

Jungle Art AXA

Lyne Lyons

Walt Simonson, "Loki" (as displayed also on facebook; become a FAN!)

the incomparable Jack Kirby

Johannes Gehrts "Helgi und Sigrun"

Russian Objectivists


Gustav Klutsis

East avante garde/ early soviet political propoganda

West naturalist/ mural pastoral on open range

John Gibbons, mural, Tucson, AZ

Works of George Grosz, German Dadaist/ Expressionist

Ryan Balasuriya (after Najath Rafeek?)

Sajath Rafeek Mohamed

Integr8d Soul

Integr8d Soul

Sabrina Lam Hall, photos

Nightscape, San Diego February 2010

Lyne Lyons

Lyne Lyons

Stars and secrets Scarlett Dragon #9

Dajana by Lue Lyron

Brenda Disharoon: Suspension Bridge, Missouri;
"Dream catchers"; "Greyhound Travels"

"Shango" by Marc Kane 2007

Debra Disharoon

"Views from the Mysti Hazel Garden" 2007 Marc Kane

Jester's Jacket

Please feel free to inquire for purchases from the creators!

Heaven Hight McCaulley new appliques....hand stamped with india ink and machine pieced "chicks"

Heather Leilani Green, San Diego

"Don't you love the purple hue in the everything in this photo? The dark sand, the ocean, the tumbling clouds."


Cease said...

Bobby James Thurman, on facebook commented :
10:44 am ET

wow! some really good work in there!

Cease said...

Amanda Duke, on facebook commented:

Veddy Good!
11:23 am ET

Cease said...

On facebook, Matthew Stephen Sunrich commented:

Some great art represented!
5:48 ET