Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Intelligent explorations for silly purposes

My topics over the next week, threading through these classic Jack Kirby comics and my upcoming creations, especially the STuckWayze:

1Origin of Consciousness: the brain intersects with the mind (inspired by EnlighteNEXT magazine)

2Artificial Intelligence (2010)

3Contact with Beyond(CONTACT,new UFOs book, O'Hare Airport incident,& Machine Man #3)

4The Joy of Text Pages

5Free Will, decisions, Individuality and the Turing Test


7End of the World Tidings

8Mythology and its place in the popular culture

9Ruins and lost mysteries

10Mimicking an Irrational Culture

11Revealing those Hidden Among Us

and along the way, I'll share STUCKWAYZE #1, made entirely in the spirit of fun!

It's going to be a fun seven days, keep us Bookmarked!

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