Saturday, September 30, 2017

Blank (is the answer) - Lue Lyron

The first song I wrote in California.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

An Audio selection of William Carlos Williams' poetry

I plan on memorizing a few poems and I was drawn to this author on the shelf. I also like:
Learning candidates: Pictures From Brueghel (1962)
The Ivy Crown (to my wife)
The Hard Core of Beauty
Tribute To the Painters
The Orchestra

and I like Pink Locust, The Forgotten City, and Tract!
I read "Beauty," "Orchestra," "Ivy Crown" and "Pink Locust" for this podcast. No analysis, really, just an experience of sensuous images in a recitation inspired by his style of indentation.


Monday, September 18, 2017

For Striking Worship by Angela Disharoon (music by Cecil)

ONe big edited first take of music to go with a 1999 poem of Angela's I picked up. So, it's got some imperfections, but I just want you to feel inspired, you know?

Mother Earth accepting me as her kin
Inside the opening of her cavern I am swept away
Nothing to distinguish
Who I am
Will relate the tale
Of heroes of old
Awaken to take up the helm
For Striking Worship
In a young one’s heart
Holding to tradition
of the past few years
to recapture timeless feelings
And at the end of it all
Find the golden opportunity

Angela Dawn Disharoon 07/28/99

68 great words and a few minutes of pure inspiration. I could talk about the meanings of those words at great length! Easily 10x as many words to describe what’s there. The meanings of the song have changed at least four times: as I sang, I went on the visual journey they represent, then thought of it as sex, then as birth, and finally, as death.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Short and Sweet- a folkie, wry number

With the ol' harmonica

They live with ease- Listen to Trees! The trees can teach more than most people please!
Know the real value of what you hold on to...'cause if you don't do it, you'll never know really you!

All of the ones who wouldn't listen are gone
it's just you and this song, I've got to help me hang on...

I know just what to do: I will create and be true
and I don't really need anybody but you!

Dedicated to the short and sweet everywhere!

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

The Stuckwayze: Newscast Brainstorm!

A silly newscast forecasting another furious coming of mighty Saga.