Saturday, April 27, 2019

Great Job! You Get A Star! Our book of ESL online / EFL experiences

Our prototype is ready!

We're working on one more cover idea. It would be nice to upload all that, tonight. The 116 page manuscript, written by Angela and myself, is ready.

We start two months ago, February 22nd. First day at the third company I added (who has still not paid me). I begin to interlace our first experiences, then wind parallel paths
of the two of us, growing into teachers. We depict many of our actual classes, and present other teachers, too.

I only put these through my phone: at the time, I wanted to meet my personal deadline, so I could have a physical copy available when I graduate, May 4th, in Tuscaloosa.

Soon as I have an approved link, I'll share the prologue, here. I must have some hidden text box still it doesn't like, hiding behind a picture. I was otherwise finished with the online version. Heres the first four pages. I plan to revise and add at least three chapters by this fall, too.
Here's our updated Patreon link, if you want to help us move across the coutnry next month, lol


“Here, I am, first day on the job.”

February 21st, my journal reads:

I didn’t start the narration of “Here, I am,
first day on the job.” OK< now I have!

I’ve had deja vu, these past seven-and-a-half months.
It’s been my first day- three times. I haven’t quit working anywhere.

I write freelance Back Issue Magazine articles, and my novel, Chrysalis and the Butterfly.

You could say this is a story: how ESL Online won my heart.

But already, I had it to give, as soon as I discovered this work existed.

I do best, that way: Go all-in!

So, this is the story of what I found, along the way, that’s kept my heart.

You could begin this story with the first time I logged in to teach Dada classes online, in July. Go further back: my friend Ed, asking me in spring, if I’d looked for a creative writing instructor position. You could start with my Aunt Linda, teacher and sub teacher and tutor, much of her adult life.

But here: my first day, working for Lime English.

I hope what I’ve decided to do on my otherwise-off morning this Wednesday is : explore meeting new students, teaching new strategies- a progressive spiral.

I examine the basics of how we use English. I face with them, the choices we learned as children. My challenge? Be clear. Simple, elegant. Loop back into words they’re using well that day, and recently, migrate my demonstrations in those ongoing grammar structures. Genuinely appreciate spontaneous offerings to the conversation. Treat each lesson as a conversation.

A favorite sign we’re in The Zone? The kid uses English in a deliberately humorous way!

Enjoy the flow of ideas. For this book, I’ll be revisiting my lessons, through the prism of we two (or three, Jerry and Rosson and your family and friends!), interactive, interviewing. I attain insights as to ongoing projects of my own or chances to begin new forms, how these might inspire a
student. Or, simply find a video of her favorite animal, teach a unique word, offer English to help her bond, empathize.

You’ll hear from other experienced teachers, too! Teacher Willow’s tip:

“I always do my best to ask the students their names and pronounce them as closely as I can. This stems from a book that I read to my students at my b&m (Brick and Mortar)
job called Name Jar. “

I love to help them learn words of things they find interesting. I like to teach the name of the thing in your hand, some description, and model a good use of your present grammar.

As for results: some you think you see, immediately; others, you may never. How am I to say what time will reveal the student’s learned, from me, practice, life, school, and someone who cares and knows English? I remember a successful recipe, then season each lesson with little care. I trust the seasonings, and know when to let up the heat and let the lesson simmer to completion.

I experiment, I don’t measure carefully over an open page. For example, today: An attempt to make a gourmet meal, some chicken tikka masala maybe just a bit more like the Crown made at Horton Plaza before they shuttered.

Trial? Edible, disappointing. Half a lemon too much, don’t do the whole lemon on that much sauce and 10 -13 oz of chicken breasts, again. When not following exact instructions, one should simplify the factors that can confuse the result.

Needless to say, I don’t claim to do these things PERfectly, lol

First day always has this experience: correctly logging in. Then, find your classroom. You’ll find an array of buttons there which will either confuse or delight you and your students. A child you never met before waits on the other side of the world. Teach English. Go!

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