Thursday, January 25, 2018

Continue Playing live! And Whispered Words, Short Edit

OK! A short edit of the song I wrote on my birthday and proceeded to croak out for you:

AND: from the holidays, our live performance of "Continue Playing"! I've been very excited about this never fails to pick up my spirits. The live version's pretty clean and direct.

I made the short edit of "Words" to fit a birthday CD I burned. Is it better with less words and one less chorus? I don't know...different though! I kept the stronger parts, vocally, but there is something about that full set of words, too, as you can see on my previous January post.

Just recovering from a bad cold...still not quite up to singing strength. Demoing a song written for Delores O'Rioridan, r.i.p., the day she died. If you're a Cranberries fan, you might not want to miss it...but if it's covered by the singers to whom I offered it, I think you'll be properly amazed! We'll see.

Whispered Words (full version)

1.Are you lonely as Eleanor Rigby?
Empty your mind of the mournful
like a refugee fleeing from violence
breaking the inside world when we’re born full
of Love oh but we’re helpless
Nurtured with kindness Nurtured with kindness
like the natural state of our spirits
we often just need someone to remind us
Next to silence change like the moon
Take care now of all that you’ve heard
Sometimes friends are just people to think of
heart to imagine whispered words

2. When you can’t word the suicide note
in a way that won’t leave anyone for whom
you care feeling hopeless
just put it off live another day
hope will find you other ways

Just know I think of you
probably more than you realize
anti-anything isn’t as strong
as the love that illuminates real lies

Next to silence change like the moon
Take care now of all that you’ve heard
Sometimes friends are just people to think of
heart to imagine whispered words

Be Chill, Cease ill 1/25/18

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