Are you surrounded by negativity, or working through regrettable choices of your own? Do you just wish you could have a fresh start?
Well, here's what I say for my friends:
If you need any help or advice, just ask away! It's said if you ask the universe the question, the answer lies in the asking itself.
I hope you have at least one good person at hand---they needn't be perfect, lol---with whom you can make a stand for positivity...and a person like yourself almost certainly has someone who loves her very much who would boost you upon knowing of your need. Then, keep building that person, too, to maintain equilibrium.
Feed yourself a head full of healthy thoughts, and tell the negative reaction "'s okay" with the gentleness you'd show a baby---but sure, allow yourself to have it, without sinking in it. Have a thought...let it go.
My friend Dora says even your uncomfortable emotions are there to help you open a door, to align a path, if you will, for seeing the things inside you from some different perspective. But don't feel guilty for feeling bad...get curious!
You haven't chosen to drag others down to those feelings, but to reach for that invisible trolley strap to help steady your ride. And first I totally ripped off Deepak Chopra (my wife texted that to me one day), and the strap's from Wayne Dyer...they've both written helpful thoughts for the frustrated..."Helpful thoughts for the frustrated" may even be the book YOU write!
If you have time to meditate best you can, and/ or write, you will find yourself as your own witness. Stay in the moment and find your bliss in it! I am okay to contact privately, too. You will find your writing self suggesting what's true; write just a little while and see, it's already happening!
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